Southern California Chapter of the National Association of Housing & Redevelopment Officials



Bylaws of the Southern California Chapter National Association of Housing and Redevelopment. Please explore our bylaws to learn more about our organization, executive board, meetings, and more. If you have any questions about SoCal NAHRO’s bylaws, please contact us.

  • The name of this organization shall be the Southern California Chapter of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials.

  • The area of operation shall be the geographic area of Southern California defined by the following zip codes: (90000-93100;93301-93314; 93380-93390; 93401-93412).

  • The purpose of the NAHRO is to be the leading housing and community development advocate for the provision of adequate and affordable housing and strong, viable communities for all Americans, particularly those with low-and-moderate-incomes, and to enhance the professional development and effectiveness of NAHRO’s members. To achieve these objectives, the purposes of the Chapter shall be:

    1 - To enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of members and to facilitate the exchange of views;

    2 - To monitor and advocate relevant federal and state legislative and regulatory issues that impact housing and community development and to initiate the development of public policies through the committee process;

    3 - To communicate effectively with members, media, government, and others concerning issues related to housing and community development;

    4 - To encourage, develop, and provide educational programs to enhance the professional development, technical skills, and efficiency of housing and community development employees and organizations;

    5 - To develop, analyze, and disseminate information on housing and community development and related fields:

    6 - To recruit and retain members and provide services to strengthen NAHRO’s ability to serve its members;

    7 - To work with other organizations and to aggressively develop coalitions and collaborative efforts to accomplish NAHRO’s mission;

    8 - To continuously strengthen the Chapter’s internal management and operations and to effectively utilize human, organizational, and financial resources to maximize the achievement of NAHRO’s mission and goals.

  • Section 1 - The activities of the Chapter shall at all times reflect the comprehensive and integrated approach to problems as expressed in the National program of NAHRO.

    Section 2 - The Chapter may engage in such activities as may promote the purposes outlined above and the general purposes and policies of National NAHRO, within the framework of the Pacific Southwest Regional Council.

    Section 3 - The Chapter encourages information flow between and among geographic units of NAHRO. In this connection, it will submit periodic written summaries of its activities to the Regional Board and will take other such actions as may be required to foster communication with the Regional Board and with other Chapters within the Region.

  • Section 1 - Any agency that is an active member in good standing of National NAHRO, and located within the geographical area of the Chapter, shall be an active member of the Chapter. upon payment of such dues as may be established by the Chapter as hereinafter provided.

    All the Associates of an active agency member shall have full voting rights, and are eligible to participate in all activities open to the membership.

    Section 2 - Any Allied Individual member or affiliate agency member of NAHRO, located within the geographical area of the Chapter, shall be an affiliate member of the Chapter upon payment of such dues as may be established by the Chapter as hereinafter provided.

    Every Allied individual member and all of the Associates of an affiliate member shall have all the rights of active members unless there exists a possible conflict of interest, as determined by the Executive Board. In addition, associates of a for profit affiliate member shall have all the rights of active members except that they may not serve as an officer of the Executive Board.

    Section 3 - Membership dues may be established, from time to time, by the Executive Board of the Chapter for the operation of the Chapter. Payment of the established dues shall entitle members to all the rights of their membership class.

  • Section 1 - The control and management of the affairs, funds and property of the Chapter shall be vested in the Chapter Executive Board consisting of the President, Senior Vice President, Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer of the Chapter, plus at large members.

    The Executive Board shall consist of a maximum of 20 members. A current Board member may propose an individual to join the Board as an at-large member if the maximum total has not been met. Information on the individual’s background and experience would be provided and at the next regular meeting of the Board, a vote shall be taken to determine if the proposed individual is invited to join the Board. A majority vote of the participating Board members will be required to add the proposed individual to the Board.

    The President of the Regional Council and all former Presidents of the Chapter shall be ex officio non-voting members of the Executive Board.

    Section 2 - The Executive Board shall establish procedures for the (a) maintenance of records and accounts, (b) receipt and expenditure of funds, (c) levying of dues, (d) periodic reporting of Chapter affairs to the membership, and it shall otherwise plan and account for the activities of the Chapter, (including the employment of staff).

    Section 3 - The Executive Board shall establish procedures for the selection of Chapter representative(s) to the required regional standing committees.

    Section 4 - The Executive Board shall hold not less than two regular meetings each year, at least one of which will be held at the time and place of the annual meeting of the Chapter. Notice of a regular meeting shall be sent to each Board member not less than (30) days before the meeting date.

    Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the President at any time or by the Secretary upon the written request of at least one-fourth of the membership of the Board. The Notice of Special Meeting shall specify the time and place of the meeting and the business to be conducted.

    Section 5 - At any meeting of the Executive Board, one third plus one (7) of the members of the Executive Board shall be present to establish a quorum for the conduct of the business of the Chapter. Each member of the Executive Board shall be entitled to one vote. In order for a member’s vote to counted the member must be present.

    Section 6 - In the event of a vacancy in the Office of the President, the Senior Vice-President is to automatically succeed to the office for the balance of the President’s term. In the event of the unavailability of the Senior Vice-President, the Executive Board shall select one of the Vice-Presidents to serve as President until the next annual meeting of the Chapter. Other vacancies in the Executive Board occurring between annual meetings shall be filled by the originating unit or, if elected by a vote of the membership, by the Executive Board to fill the unexpired portion of the term.

    Section 7 - If any member of the Executive Board ceases to be an Associate of an Agency Member in the National Association or an Allied Member, he/she will cease to be a member of the Executive Board and his/her position on the Executive Board shall thereupon become vacant and shall be filled as provided in Section 6 above.

    Section 8 - All checks, bonds, warrants, contracts, or other instruments, necessary for the conduct of the Chapter business shall be signed by any two authorized members of the Executive Board.

  • Section 1 - The officers of the Chapter shall be the President, Senior Vice President, Vice President for Commissioner Affairs, Vice President for Community Revitalization and Development, Vice President for Housing, Vice President for Member Services, Vice President for Programs/Professional Development, Secretary and Treasurer. Annually, the Executive Board will consider the need for additional officers, e.g., Vice President for International Affairs, Vice President for Resident Initiatives. If the Executive Board believes the Chapter would be better served by additional officers, nominations for the additional offices will be presented at the next Annual Meeting.

    Other members of the Chapter Board shall be individuals selected to represent specific professional areas of involvement of the organization. They shall serve as full voting members of the Chapter and shall fulfill the responsibilities of committee members for program planning, legislative review, and such other activities as are determined, from time to time, by the Board.

    Section 2 - The Officers of the Chapter shall constitute an Executive Committee on the Board. The Executive Committee shall be available for consultation and advice as needed.

    Section 3 - It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Chapter, the Executive Board, and the Executive Committee to see that the By-Laws are enforced, to supervise generally the affairs of the Chapter and, at the annual meeting, to make a report of the accounts and general business of the Chapter during the preceding year.

    The President shall appoint such ad hoc committees as s/he deems necessary and shall be an ex officio member of all Chapter committees. In the absence or inability of the President to attend any general meeting of the Chapter, a Vice President or another Executive Board member designated by the President shall preside in his/her stead. The President, through the recording secretary, shall be responsible for keeping a record of the proceedings of the Chapter. The President shall send out notices required and attend to such other business as may belong to the duties of the office.

    Section 4 - It shall be the duties of the Vice Presidents to generally oversee the activities of the Chapter relating to their divisional areas, to help plan at least one Chapter conference per year which focuses on an important aspect of divisional activity, to work with the program committee in developing activities appropriate to the Chapter and to be the Chapter’s representative at meetings held in the area of operation by officers or authorities or agencies of their division.

    Section 5 - The Recording Secretary shall maintain written minutes of the Executive and Chapter Board meetings and shall maintain the Board attendance record. The Recording Secretary shall also promptly furnish to the President of the Regional Council and to the Central Office of NAHRO current lists of the names, titles, and addresses of the officers of the Chapter and shall assume such other responsibilities as may, from time to time, be assigned by the Executive Committee or Board.

    Section 6 - The Treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds of the Chapter, shall collect all fees and other money payable to the Chapter, and shall deposit the same as directed by the Executive Board. The Treasurer shall disburse funds of the Chapter upon warrants or checks signed by the proper officers of the Chapter in settlement of accounts payable incurred for current expenses of the Chapter as previously approved by the Executive Board. The Treasurer shall not pay or expend any money of the Chapter except upon checks properly executed by officers of the Chapter. S/he shall keep the book of accounts of the Chapter and shall submit a statement of accounts, with the proper vouchers, at the regular meetings of the Chapter. The Treasurer shall perform such other duties as properly belong to the office or as may specified by the Executive Board. The books of the Treasurer shall be open for inspection of the officers or any committee appointed by them, for the purpose of making an examination thereof.

    Section 7 - If any member of the Executive Board has more than three consecutive unexcused absences, the office shall be declared vacant.

    Section 8 - If a vacancy occurs on the Board, it shall be temporarily filled by the Executive Board and shall be filled for the balance of the term by vote of the board at the next meeting.

    Section 9 - The Officers of the Board shall be elected annually for 1 year terms. Any Board officer may serve in the same position for two (2) consecutive terms (2 years), after which time no officer will be eligible for re-election to that position for the immediately succeeding term. Appointment of a Board officer to fill the unexpired term of a position on the Board shall not preempt that officer from subsequent election to the same position for two full terms.

    Section 10 - The election of the Officers of the Board will occur at the Annual meeting. The vote may be either by ballot or by voice, and each member present will have one vote. There shall be no voting by proxy.

    Section 11 - At any time during the year, any Chapter member may suggest the name or names of Chapter members to serve as member(s) of the Board to the Secretary. The Secretary will place such suggestions before the Board for consideration. They may be considered as nominations to fill vacant unexpired terms on the Board, or vacant at-large positions.

    Section 12 - The Executive Board shall at least two months prior to the annual meeting appoint a Nominating Committee of five members which shall file with the Chapter Board a full ticket of candidates for office to be voted at the ensuing annual meeting. The members shall be notified no later than two weeks in advance of the meeting of the slate of candidates, along with biographic information on each nominee. Nominations may also be made from the floor or in write in ballots.

    Section 13 - No person shall be eligible for election as an officer who is not an Associate of an agency member of the Chapter in good standing or an Allied individual member. Associates of for profit affiliate members may not hold an officer position on the Board.

  • Section 1 - Regular meetings of the Chapter shall be held at such times and places as may be fixed by the Executive Board. There will be one regular meeting designated as an annual meeting at which time the newly elected Officers shall be installed into office.

    Section 2 - Special meetings of the Chapter may be called at any time by the Secretary or the signed petition of ten members, who are representative of at least three agencies. Notice of time and place of regular or special meetings shall be published as early as practical but in no event less that one week prior thereto.

    Section 3 - The annual meeting shall be held approximately one month prior to the annual conference of the Pacific Southwest Regional Council and end of the official Chapter year shall terminate on the date of the annual meeting. Elections and such other official Chapter business as is appropriate and which is brought before the membership shall be transacted at the annual meeting.

    Section 4 - Business may be transacted or action taken committing the Chapter to any proposal at any regular or special meeting of the Chapter Board or full membership at which a quorum is present. Approval shall be by majority of members present.

    Section 5 - A quorum of the Executive or Chapter Board shall consist of a one-third plus one (7) of the respective Committee or Board membership.

    Section 6 - The provisions of these By-Laws and Roberts Rule-of-Order shall apply to the conduct of any meeting of the membership, the Executive Board, and other duly constituted committee of the Chapter.

  • Section 1 - These By-Laws may be amended only at a regular meeting of the Chapter by a two-thirds vote of the members voting.

    Section 2 - No proposition to amend shall be acted upon unless written notice thereof has been filed with the Recording Secretary at least two weeks prior to the meeting. A copy of any proposed amendment filed with the Recording Secretary shall be embodied in the call for the next regular meeting and a copy shall be sent to every member of the Chapter.

    Section 3 - Amendments to these By-Laws may be initiated as follows: (1) By the Executive Board who will in turn submit the proposal to the Chapter members in the manner prescribed in this Article; (2) by a petition of ten or more members representing at least three agencies submitted to the Executive Board who will in turn submit the proposal, along with a recommendation, to the Chapter members in the manner prescribed in this Article.

    Section 4 - These By-Laws and any amendments thereto shall become effective on approval by the Executive Board of the Regional Council and the Board of Governors of the Association and are subject to revocation by the Executive Board of the Regional Council and the Board of Governors of the Association for due cause.


Proposed Changes to Chapter Bylaws

The Board of the SoCal Chapter of NAHRO is proposing minor amendments to the chapter bylaws. The amendment will be voted on by the Board at the June 22 Chapter Meeting. Prior to the meeting, we are sharing the proposed changes with the membership.

The proposed amendments (available below) are related to the timing of the annual meeting, when the chapter year ends, and quorum definition.

Please feel free to send any comments or questions via email to